NGO Echo, with the support of the Eurasia Foundation within the framework of the Social Innovation in Central Asia program, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is implementing project Gender Budget for Local Communities. The project is realized in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
In Khiva, with the help of local civil society activists and self-help groups, as well as local bodies of Mahalla committees, they focused on an urgent problem for the region - increasing the transparency of budgetary initiatives related to helping women and children from poor families during the complete COVID 19 quarantine. meetings with representatives of the city administration of the local budget under the Khokimiyat of Khiva to obtain information on legislative and other acts aimed at helping target groups. Based on the results of the meetings and joint work, the need was identified to create a mechanism for more transparent access to regulatory documents in local government structures to increase the effectiveness of feedback through the introduction of data on updating laws and by-laws on the open website provided by activists. Also, the main technical points and mechanisms for inviting women to develop regulations on their participation in meetings on budgeting have been identified.