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NGO Echo, with the support of the Eurasia Foundation within the framework of the Social Innovation in Central Asia program, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is implementing project Gender Budget for Local Communities. The project is reailized in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.



In Bukhara, activists of the Humanitarian Legal Center and volunteers - women from a number of makhallas came to the conclusion that it is very important during a pandemic to pay attention to increasing transparency and participation in the budget process to form funds to help women who have been left without a breadwinner.

The most difficult situation during the quarantine period was for the families of labor migrants, and this was noted by both representatives of the civil sector and women themselves. Therefore, to assist in ensuring the allocation of funding during the development of the budget in the local authorities - Makhallas, taking into account the organization of assistance - to families left without work was a priority task of activists. This was the subject of a series of meetings with representatives of the Khokimiyat of Bukhara makhalla, the Center and the representative of the Commission on Constitutional Rights and Freedoms under the Office of the Ombudsman. As a result, lists of women who need assistance were compiled. Activists continue to monitor the provision of assistance to women.